7 Free Easy-To-Use Social Media Tool For Marketing

You are on your path towards mastering social media marketing right? Then you need the right social media tool to help you ease out the process.
There are so many tools exist out there. But what you need is only these 7 tools (Bonus at the end) to help you manage your social media accounts.
Let’s get started. ( For those who haven’t checked out my 7 social media marketing strategies for 2019, click here.)
1. BuzzSumo

The name sounds cheeky right? Well it’s not built by any sumo fighter, but by a bunch of professional digital marketers.
This tool is the most famous when it comes to social media marketing. It is used by numbers of famous brands such as Expedia, Yahoo, Symantec etc.
What you do is you enter a topic, say your desired blog post topic or your site’s domain name.
Then the tool will go and collect data all over internet, and display you the result of the most number of engagements (share, follows, likes etc.) for a particular topic or domain name.
This way, it is very helpful in helping you find a trending topic to write for your blog post or share contents, as well as trending topics.
The tool allows you to search for topic or domain name for 5 times per day, after which you have to sign up. There is a 7 day free trial before you would like to purchase it.
2. Feedly
If you prefer to work on your smartphone, then this tool is also available as an Android and IOS app. What this tool does is it allows you to organize, share and read topics which you choose. It can be applied to any types of platform whether it’s blog, social media articles, news etc.
As a tool for social media marketing, it displays your chosen topics or niches you are interested in, in an organize way. It also gives you the insight of how good articles and post are written, as well as the headlines for chosen topics.
This way, you will never be off-trend and be aware of what’s currently happening in your niche or business world. The tool comes with a free pricing, with a $5.41 pro version
3. Buffer
If you have read about my social media marketing strategy, you must have come across this tool. It’s an automated social media post scheduler and analyzer.
What that means is that it helps you schedule when you want to post your content, how often within certain time period and analyze the engagements and views of each content.
This helps you save you time as you can schedule what and when to post up to 6 months prior. Not only you can schedule new posts, but also if you wish to share recurring content, you can also schedule that.
The benefit of doing so is most engaging content goes viral only within the first 24 hours after it being share on social media. There is a high chance that large number of people may miss out your content.
The free version of this tool allows only 1 social media account for each platform.
4. SocialBlade
If you’re a YouTuber, then this tool is definitely for you. It is a free social media tool which is used to analyze statistics of your channel. For example: number of subscribers, number of views, how is your recent content doing compared to others etc.
You can also analyze Instagram and Twitter account as well.
5. SproutSocial
This tool is an all-in-one social media accounts manager platform. From gathering your social media feeds information, interacting from the dashboard, customizing the feed, scheduling post all the way to recording and reporting behaviors of each post.
With it’s complete social media managing solution, you will be able to gather in-depth details about how your content is doing, as well as selecting what and when to post the content, by analyzing from past records.
If you have heard about another social media accounts manager, Hootsuite, you will be probably wondering what to go for. In my opinion, SproutSocial is much more suitable for businesses as for every account that follows you or that you follow, Sprout Social creates a record that stores interaction history as well as basic contact information. This information can be immensely helpful for salespeople, another way to build marketing and sales alignment.
6. Brand24
Another all-in-one social media accounts manager platform. This one is more specific to anyone, who has his or her own brand, as the name suggested.
Compared to SproutSocial, this tool is truly built for businesses brand. With features like social insights, influencer score, social search and many more, you can have an in-depth overview of how your brand performs on social media.
Though there is a thin line of boundary separating these two tools, you can decide which one to go for.
There is a 14-day free trial with a plus plan, starting at $49 per month.
7. Facebook Twitter Instagram Analytics

We all use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But have you ever noticed the analytic features on these platforms?
According to me, they are the best free social media marketing tool, for their own platform. You may choose other tool like SproutSocial or Brand24 if you want to manage multiple accounts at once. If you mainly focus on any of these 3 platforms, then they already have their own features which you don’t have to search elsewhere to replace.
As usual for my blog readers, I always have bonus at the end of every article.
For those of you who are not a Photoshop geek and would like to have beautiful professional looking images for your social media post, Canva is the most easy to use, professional image creators.
You can create stunning looking images for every platform, by selecting from hundreds of professional-looking templates. You can add text, figures, graphics, change fonts and much more with a matter of click.
Don’t forget, readers prefer original good looking images rather than Google stock images.
So that’s all about 7 free easy-to-use social media tools which can help you boost your social media marketing strategy and engagements.
Even though most of them are free trials, you can make use of those trials and try out. Decide which one is the best and go for the paid version.
If you really want to go for a free-version-forever tool, professional features may not be guaranteed, but you can always find alternatives.
There is, however, something which you have to focus on before jumping into social media marketing is to know their disadvantages for business.
So have you tried any one of the listed tool above? Which one suits best for you. Let me know in the comment below.
Best tools, I use a few of them and they are actually using me to add more value to my clients and for my business too.
Yup, certainly. Anyway, planning to add more tools to the article as well.